McCormick Place | Chicago, Illinois
“This is such an impressive event, it was great to have our students and staff see so many great examples of what advanced manufacturing is.”*
This free week-long event is a unique opportunity for students, educators, and administrators to immerse themselves in the newest technology to stimulate technical interest in young people, to eliminate age-old stereotypes of careers in manufacturing, and to unite education and industry for the purpose of closing the ever-widening technical skills gap in the United States.
“My students felt honored, recognized, and welcomed to the world of machining. Thank you!”*
Students, educators, and administrators are invited to visit the NIMS 21st Century Skills Center on any of the five days of IMTS. Registration is free and remains valid for the entire week of IMTS, so attendees are welcome to return to Chicago to see the hundreds of exhibitors on display.
“One of the best learning experiences of the year for my students”*
More details to follow!