Two decades ago, a cashmere sweater was a soft symbol of wealth and status warn by pipe smoking duffers at…
Browsing: Swarfblog
I see the Feds bagged some more bad dudes relating to the machining world. Zimmer, DePuy, Smith & Nephew, and…
Two young men still at the top of their games copped pleas on August 27, 2007. They will both be…
The Gene Haas tax evasion trial is projected to begin in September. It has been stalled by continuances, but both…
I hear that Sprint has notified 1,000 of its customers that they are being terminated by the cell phone service…
The labor shortage of skilled machinists is not a singular phenomenon. Heavy equipment operators who maneuver excavators, dozers, and cranes…
Several issues ago in Today’s Machining World, Robert Strauss wrote an in-depth story about Conserve School and its unusual relationship…
“Rube Goldberg” is alive and well in Harry Potter’s neighborhood. Three blokes in their mid-twenties, graduates of elite Cambridge University,…
Sometimes I have a day when everything comes together and I have to say, “Thank you, God, for allowing me…
What do you do if you are an unknown pipsqueak company with a killer idea, going up against a giant…