EXAIR’s family of Air Nozzles — from the tiny new Model 1108SS Atto Super Air Nozzle at 2.0 ounces (56.7 grams) of blowing force to the high power Model 1120 Large Super Air Nozzle at 23 pounds (10.4 kg) of strong blowoff force — have always provided safe, economical performance. Independent laboratory tests now certify that EXAIR’s entire Air Nozzle family has also met the rigorous safety, health, and environmental standards of the European Union in order to attain the CE mark.
By entraining high volumes of room air, EXAIR’s Super Air Nozzles use less compressed air and less energy to provide superior performance to other blowoff products. Unlike open pipe and nozzles that haven’t been optimized, none of EXAIR’s large selection of Super Air Nozzles can be blocked, meeting OSHA’s standard for dead-end pressure 29 CFR 1910.242(b). All of EXAIR’s Super Air Nozzles also fall within OSHA’s noise requirement 29 CFR 1910.95(a). Prices start at $21.