The latest PartMaker Version is officially released; packed with new functionality and enhanced capability.

Fort Washington, PA – PartMaker Inc., a division of Delcam Plc, is pleased to announce that PartMaker Version 2010, its latest version of PartMaker Software for programming CNC Mills, Lathes, WireEDMs, Turn-Mill Centers and Swiss-type lathes is now available. PartMaker Version 2010 is the most significant PartMaker release made to date as it features a number of new powerful features and enhancements that will allow users to program faster, make more complex parts and take advantage of the latest in machine tool technology.
“PartMaker Version 2010 is the most significant release made to date and will provide every PartMaker user an immediate productivity improvement,” states Delcam’s PartMaker Inc. Division President, Hanan Fishman. “Plugging into Delcam’s development staff, the largest in the CAM industry, has facilitated the incredible leap in technology included in PartMaker Version 2010. Perhaps most importantly, all the new technology in PartMaker Version 2010 is provided in PartMaker’s industry leading easy-to-use user interface, allowing users to truly take advantage of the new functionality Version 2010 provides.”
Major highlights of this newest release, PartMaker Version 2010, include the ability to perform 5-axis simultaneous milling on multi-axis lathes, more powerful milling functionality, enhanced grooving routines, faster tool path creation, improved solid model-based programming tools and the ability to better visualize thread whirling. A host of additional productivity, user-driven enhancements will also be featured in PartMaker Version 2010.
The 5-axis simultaneous milling functionality in PartMaker Version 2010 is based on robust, well-proven technology used in PowerMILL, Delcam’s world leading specialist NC CAM software for the manufacture of complex shapes.
5-Axis Simultaneous Milling for Multi-Axis Lathes
PartMaker Version 2010 features an optional module to perform simultaneous 5-axis swarf milling on multi-axis lathes. Swarf machining is a technique that allows side cutting with an endmill while proceeding along the surface of a part, such as the sidewalls of a tapered rib. Swarf machining can be used for profiling the edge of components using the side of the tool to remove material. The benefits of 5-axis simultaneous swarf machining over traditional 3-axis milling strategies include significantly reduced machining time and improved surface finish. Employing swarfing can allow parts to be machined complete in a single set-up by allowing for more advanced de-burring techniques thus eliminating time consuming and laborious additional finishing.
The new swarfing functionality in PartMaker lets users take advantage of B-axis lathes with 5-axis simultaneous machining functionality. PartMaker’s 5-axis swarf milling is powerful, yet easy to use, allowing the user to apply this complex machining technique in an intuitive manner.
PartMaker and PowerMILL Integration
For all complex 5-axis machining strategies currently supported by PowerMILL, including blade and blisk machining, as well as for highly sophisticated 3-axis strategies, PartMaker Version 2010 will feature the option for a direct interface to PowerMILL. PowerMILL tool paths can be imported directly into PartMaker Version 2010, manipulated and synchronized on PartMaker’s Process Table, simulated and post processed directly from the PartMaker working environment. This integrated solution of two market leading technologies assures users they will never be limited in their ability to program and optimize parts in the most efficient and powerful way possible.
More Powerful Milling Strategies
PartMaker Version 2010 features a number of more advanced 2 ½ axis milling routines not available in previous PartMaker versions including a variety of High Speed Machining Strategies, Trochoidal Milling, Rest Area Machining, Face Milling and a more powerful Pocketing strategy among others. These additional milling strategies are also based on PowerMILL technology and have been adapted to work inside of PartMaker in an efficient and easy-to-use manner. Additionally, the software’s chamfering ability is much improved, allowing users to automatically chamfer or round any edge with a single mouse click. This functionality is critical for “dropping parts complete” on multi-axis lathes and eliminating costly secondary operations. PartMaker Version 2010 also features totally new and highly sophisticated functionality for thread milling as well as automated face milling.
Improved Thread Whirling Programming and Simulation
PartMaker Version 2010 includes an improved facility for automating the programming and simulation of thread whirling, a programming technique often used in the programming of “bone screw” threads as well as other specialty threads commonly found on threaded surgical implants. The popularity of thread whirling attachments on Swiss-type lathes have grown substantially in recent years because of the dual benefit this technique offers manufacturers making threaded parts. Specifically, thread whirling allows threaded products to be produced faster because this technique only requires a single pass, where as traditional multi-pass threading routines require multiple passes to achieve the same result. Additionally, with the rigidity afforded by a sliding-headstock Swiss-lathe, thread whirling can also provide higher and more repeatable precision.
PartMaker Version 2010 includes specially developed algorithms and user interface to automate the programming of this unique manufacturing technique. Additionally, PartMaker’s 3D simulation fully simulates machining with a thread whirling attachment as these attachments can generally be quite large inside the working envelope of a machine and thus provide additional risk of collision during machining.
Additional Productivity Enhancements
PartMaker Version 2010 includes a number of user requested productivity enhancements. Among these improvements are: enhanced grooving functionality, powerful and flexible threading capability, improved solids-based programming and additional CAD functionality. Additionally, 2D tool path selection has been improved from previous versions. The new automated tool path selection techniques in PartMaker Version 2010 will provide users a significant productivity improvement by measurably speeding up programming time. Space ball support has also been added in PartMaker Version 2010. Additionally, a number of improvements to the software’s Tool Database have been made in Version 2010.
Automatic Software and Multi-Axis Post Processor Updating
PartMaker Version 2010 features a new facility for automatically updating to the most recent release of the software directly from the PartMaker application’s user interface. Additionally, users will also be able to update to the most recent version of their licensed multi-axis turning post processors directly from the software’s user interface as well. PartMaker Inc.’s application staff maintains a library of well documented, well supported multi-axis turning post processors which include virtually every Swiss and Turn-Mill machine ever built. These post processors are constantly being improved to include new functionality. With PartMaker Version 2010, users will be able to tap into these improvements automatically, by just downloading their licensed post processors from the software’s user interface with the click of a button. These updates improvements to both post processors as well as accompanying machine simulation files for the software’s Advanced and Full Machine Simulation modules.