The election is over. Thanksgiving is in three weeks. Basketball and hockey are rolling. So it’s time to start thinking how 2015 might be different.
What stands out for me is the sense of disgust and futility amidst what in most years would be considered terrific economic figures. This election was all about “pissed off,” not ideas. Pessimism seems to reign.
I know I feel it in my own business, even though the numbers for the year show a big improvement over 2013. I think for the people I work with the angst also exists.
Why aren’t people happier?
I think it’s a lot about leadership. My beloved Chicago Cubs just hired the effervescent Joe Maddon as Manager because he brings joy into a team, and that translates into money and victories. What struck me about Maddon at his press conference was that this guy is such a rarity. He is happy, ebullient, and shows joy all over his face and body. He is unlike virtually anybody else in the game, including the executives who hired him. But they could recognize that his rare energy works even if they don’t have it themselves.
Fun without substance is a phony façade but if it is in a package of smarts like in Maddon it is gold.
Looking at politics, Barack Obama of 2008 had an energy and upbeatness that sustained him and propelled him to the Presidency. Today he seems to have lost it. The country is looking for a smile and a feeling of energy. It was the strength of a Bill Clinton and Ronald Reagan to make us feel better as a people. An Al Gore or Mitt Romney, and the current Barack Obama come across as flat as white bread.
The task of a good leader is not to be a comic, but to generate confidence and hope. Reagan said you had to be an actor to be President. The Gipper was good at both.
A leader of a business needs to throw off that positive vibe, if not always in public, definitely in one on one meetings. In my own case, I find myself so focused on problems and tasks that I too often give off my personal lunar eclipse. I am fortunate to work closely with my son Noah who can identify my Darth spirit and point me toward a course correction. This is enormously helpful because often I don’t even realize my own dark vibe.
A leader, particularly a President, needs a compatriot who can tell him the truth about himself. The sullen senator Harry Reed could darken a room just by sticking his toe in the door. He should hire a jester to have breakfast with.
Somebody needs to give President Obama and old Harry Reed the gift we sent to my granddaughter Chava who just celebrated her 7th birthday. She is a serious child who became a vegetarian at four and is a conscientious ballet enthusiast. We sent her “Walter the Farting Dog,” who has a wonderful assortment of appropriate sounds. Walter came with a book, too. Chava and her sisters called us in full laughter to thank us for Walter.
Can you imagine Obama bringing “Walter the Farting Dog” to a meeting with Congressional leaders? It’s something Joe Maddon would do. It might change the course of history if Barack Obama tried it.
Question 1: Have you heard a good joke lately?
Question 2: Does the 2014 election matter to you?
I must agree that a sense of humor, especially at oneself, is much more uplifting and is sorely missing from many of the leaders in this country in both the private and public sectors. Negativism is a huge turn off and although it seemed to work in the past I believe the American people are starting to realize that it doesn’t build anything. It only destroys and the latest election cycle shows that change in our culture. Hopefully this trend continues and we begin to develop leaders in all sectors of our society that bring a positive message of unity rather than division. After all a wise man once said: “A house (nation) divided against itself cannot stand.” Abraham Lincoln
A House divided… Mark 3:25; Jesus.
I have an Ebola joke………..
You might not get it.
I understand that Maddon showed up dressed very casual and even bought the scribes a round of beers. He’s probably going to be the one who gets it done for the Cubs and as a Cardinal fan, I’ve taken notice. Emotional intelligence and ability to lead usually trumps everything else.
1. This made me laugh.
Husband : I’ve lost my wife, she went shopping yesterday and has still not come home.
Sergeant: What is her height?
Husband : Oh, 5 something . . .
Sergeant: Build?
Husband : Not slim, not really fat.
Sergeant: Color of eyes?
Husband : Never noticed.
Sergeant: Color of hair?
Husband : Changes according to season.
Sergeant: What was she wearing?
Husband : Dress/suit/blue jeans — I don’t remember exactly.
Sergeant: Did she go in a car?
Husband : Yes.
Sergeant: What kind of car was it?
Husband : A 1960 Ford Thunderbird! Raven Black with optional red leather interior. She has the 430cid Lincoln engine option, 350HP. The car has 8.50×14 wide white wall radial tires, the optional rear decklid antenna, and rear fender skirts. My car has a “squarebirds.org” decal on the right front windshield, and there is a very thin scratch on the front left door… at this point the husband started crying.
Sergeant : Don’t worry sir … We will find your car.
2. President Obama couldn’t handle the truth. And I’m glad the election is over.
1. I agree Obama should try enthusiasm. The problem is he is not enthusiastic about the country. He doesn’t like the country the way it is… remember, he was going to bring “change”. Unfortunately, the media didn’t investigate what “change” meant and the public didn’t bother to look beyond the facade either. Now, six years later, the media is starting to question his policies.
2. Obama is not charismatic. Even if he was, it wouldn’t be enough. Clinton and Reagan not only led with optimism, they also made course corrections and took action! Obama will do neither.
3. Obama will not only be the worst president in history, he will also be the lamest of ducks… that’s fine with me because there is nothing I have seen him do that was good for the country.
Do you know where I can get my DVR repaired? I program it for “The Biggest Loser” and all it records is the Cubs and Bears games