For used machinery dealers who are prepared to “detrashify” the ugly refugee machines emerging from the automotive flotsam being pushed into the market, 2011 stands to be a good year.
For example, Hilco and Maynards auctioneering firms are now selling off multiple GM, Ford, and Chrysler plants with thousands of motley machines. Machines like Twin Grip Cincinnati centerless grinders and 8-spindle National Acme screw machines are being sold for near scrap prices.
These are rugged machines which have been abused by indifferent operators and mindless management, but they are so durable that they can be brought back to life by skilled rebuilders.
For buyers who have long running Jobs, often supplying the now healthy automotive companies, these machines have value if they are brought back to almost new condition. When compared to European or Japanese competition they are viable if the versatility of CNC is not a major factor, because they are running dedicated jobs.
Add in automation and robotics and the old “trash” machines become virtually equal to new.
The scarcity of skilled rebuilders means that those few players in the “detrashifying” game have a chance to make 2011 a big year.
Question: Which of these machines make the most sense to rebuild, G & L boring mill, 1990 long-bed CNC lathe, 8-spindle National Acme, something else?

8-spindle National Acme’s!! We’re using 8 of them today for captive machining operations, with engineered changeovers, even retrofitted CNC slides. Our skilled tradesmen set up and run 3 machines.
National Acmes are the way to go! We currently are running 40 and doubling our floor space with an expansion in the spring. You can do anything with an Acme now. Ivan Doverspike Company in Detroit has already rebuilt several of our 6 and 8 spindle Acmes. They are like brand new machines when we get them back from Doverspike Company, plus they are adding CNC slides and lots of other technology that we never thought possible on a screw machine. It is amazing what they have figured out how to do on an Acme.
I believe that the screw machine industry is going to keep expanding, especially with all of the new features that are available on rebuilds now.