I’ve been listening to Michelle Obama’s wonderful autobiography, Becoming, with rapt attention. She is a brilliant writer and a terrific storyteller. What makes the book especially fascinating for me is her references to her birthplace and longtime home at 74th and Euclid in Chicago, 7 short blocks from my home growing up at 67th and Euclid. I’m 19 years older than Michelle, but we share similar memories of growing up on the South Side of Chicago. Yet many of our memories are quite different because of race, ethnicity, and the times. Michelle Robinson came from a lower middle-class family, but…
Author: Lloyd Graff
I took a quarterly seminar many years ago taught by Dan Sullivan. It was aimed at entrepreneurs and focused on how you could grow your business and enhance your life through planning and simplification. One of Dan’s catchphrases that I go back to frequently was, “reaching your ceiling of complexity.” As I entered the library this morning to write this piece, that line struck me between the eyes. I realized that I was bumping my head against that “ceiling” that felt five feet high at that moment. I had attempted to write this blog three times in three days and…
A tiny gecko can literally climb up sheer glass. A team of robotics geeks in Denmark thought, wouldn’t it be cool if we could mimic the gecko in a robot’s gripper? Wouldn’t that be a great product? They accomplished just that and started a company in Odense, Denmark to sell their gecko gripper, called OnRobot. Odense, home of Universal Robots, is the robotics incubator of the world. Poetically enough, it is also where Hans Christian Andersen wrote his fairy tales. The gecko gripper concept grew from a research paper written at Stanford University in Palo Alto, which was picked up…
The big push is on all over the country to legalize recreational marijuana. My gut reaction is that I am appalled, but I’ve been reading up on the topic to see if I am just an old fuddy-duddy teetotaler or if there is a good reason to oppose and fear it. It also has real ramifications in the machining industry with hiring decisions. Will drug testing for cannabis become obsolete or forbidden? Since Canada has legalized the sale of marijuana, as have states like Washington and Colorado, pot has become hot. Canadian pot companies like Tilray have gone public and…
I am not a big stock trader, but I have a portfolio of stocks in my IRA, which is a backstop for the volatility of the used machinery business. Or at least I used to think so. I know stocks go up and down. I know that when stocks go up a lot, I break up my day to check them. It is usually a reliable sell signal. When they are trending down and I don’t want to look, it is a reliable buy signal. Of course, being a sheep like most people, I rarely do that. I am in…
I’ve loved pro football since the days of Johnny Unitas. Dropback quarterbacks have dominated the game, but in recent years defense has become more prominent. Now the sport is swinging toward a more elusive running quarterback. With this swing, another interesting trend has been evolving. The quarterback position has become more “athletic,” and the players coming to dominate it are primarily young and African American. I’ve always regarded the National Football League as the most racist of the major sports. Yes, about 80% of the players are African American, but traditionally the quarterbacks have been White. The recent dust-up with…
It’s my birthday today as I write this, and I’m looking forward to a New Year. If you read the papers (I still read the sports page) you’d think the economy was sinking into a worldwide sewer, but if you look at the stats and feel the vibe around you in America you would have a totally different feeling. My gut feeling is that bankers and financial speculators (right at the bottom of my economic intelligence scale) are joining the herd in yelling that the sky is falling. Part of this lemmingness derives from the intelligentsia’s abhorrence of Donald Trump,…
Sometimes you can learn a lot from getting a haircut. I’ve been going to the same barbershop for 20 years. My needs are simple. Same hair style since I was 12. It’s a 15-minute trim. My old barber, Ed, died several years ago, and his employee Erin bought the shop. She inherited my head, I guess, and as a creature of habit I just continued the monthly routine. I rarely make appointments with her ahead of time, preferring to call her when I know I have a free half hour. She usually can fit me in on the day I…
I needed a football weekend badly. It had been a week of business travel, end-of-the-month tension, end-of-the-year push, and what I really wanted was to watch some competitive football on TV and forget about business. Wow, did I ever get what I was wishing for. First game I watched was Oklahoma versus Texas for the Big 12 Championship. I wanted to watch this game for one reason. “Who is this kid, Kyler Murray, playing quarterback for the Sooners?” He didn’t play last year because Baker Mayfield won the Heisman for them and became the Number 1 pick in the NFL…
We are at the 1/16 pole headed to the finish line of 2018. What does the news tell us about 2019 business? As usual it is a mixed-up picture – a patchwork mosaic of information and gut feel. GM announced yesterday that it is going to let go of 25% of its salaried employees. This is probably overdue for the still bloated Detroit company but, nevertheless, shocking for a company that is making loads of money now. But GM, like Ford, sees a changed new-car industry within 5-10 years and is shedding its pouch to prepare. Sales are down a…